Working with individuals on the autism spectrum:
From education to occupation
nonPareil.Institute: http://www.npitx.org/
Semperical http://www.semperical.com/
Aspiritech http://www.aspiritech.org/
Specialsterne: http://www.specialisterne.com/
AASCEND: http://www.aascend.org/
Wynsum Arts, llc
Video story: Why we do what we do … the story behind our technology
i.AM Search - available in iTunes
General Information
- Autism Fact Sheet from National Institute of Mental Health
- Autism from KidsHealth
- Autism Information Page at National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke
- Autism Spectrum Disorders Publication (PDF) and Addendum from National Institute of Mental Health.
- Learn the signs at Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Overview of Autism from The Center for the Study of Autism
- What Is Autism? from The Autism Society of America
- What is Autism? from The National Autistic Society (UK)
- Autism Web
- Autism Link
Organizations and Government Programs
- Asperger and Autism Information by MAAP Services
- Association for Science in Autism Treatment
- Autism National Committee (AUTCOM/ANC)
- Autism Network International (ANI)
- Autism Research Institute (ARI)
- Autism Science Foundation
- Autism Society of America
- Autism Speaks
- Center for the Study of Autism
- MAAP Services for Autism, Asperger Syndrome, and PDD
- National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities
- National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD)
Research Centers
- Autism Research at the Duke Center for Human Genetics
- Autism Research at the University of Rochester
- The Autism Research Foundation
- Autism Research Institute
- Courchesne Autism Lab