The iSTAR5 Research Team
An interdisciplinary team including teachers and parents developed workshops to evaluate the use of Google SketchUp™ as part of an intervention program to facilitate social interaction in high functioning children with ASD.
Cheryl Wright and Marissa Diener (Family and Consumer Studies) have extensive involvement with community-based programs and scholarship. Louise Dunn (Occupational Therapy) offers expertise in her program involvement to meet needs of children with ASD and their families. Her research on preparation for independent living includes community participation, which is integral to the long range goals for our project. Scott Wright (Gerontology) has a strong background in intergenerational research and the use of technology in educational settings. Steve Gross is a certified Google Sketchup Instructor and is based in Orlando, Florida.
Cheryl wright
- Adjunct Associate Professor, Urban Inst. For Teacher Ed, University of Utah
- Adjunct Associate Professor, College Of Education-Dean, University of Utah
- Associate Professor, Family And Consumer Studies, University of Utah
Marissa diener
- Director of Graduate Studies, Family And Consumer Studies, University of Utah
- Associate Professor, Family And Consumer Studies, University of Utah
Scott wright
- Director Gerontology Interdisciplinary Program, Nursing, University of Utah
- Adjunct Associate Professor, Family And Consumer Studies, University of Utah
- Associate Professor, College Of Nursing, University of Utah
- Adjunct Assistant Professor, Pediatrics, University of Utah
- Assistant Professor, Occupational Therapy, University of Utah
Steven gross
- Designer, Universal Creative
Deborah Rafferty
- Graduate Student in Human Development and Social Policy
- B.A. in Mass Communication, Minor in Health
- B.S. in Human Development and Family Studies
Allison Sampson
- Graduate Student in Special Education
- B.S. in Anthropology, Minor in Psychology
- M.S. in Human Development and Social Policy
- M.S. in Human Development and Social Policy
Valerie Anne D'Astous
- Graduate Student in Human Development and Social Policy
Kate Ferebee
- Public Relations Specialist
Cheri Daily
- Director, National Corporate and Foundation Relations
Tina Moerer
- Consultant
- Teacher Educator
- Special Educator
Trish Saccomano